Background in Economics (Dr. rer. pol.), Non-profit Management and Sociology.
Experience in communications, fundraising, public speaking and patient advocacy.
Interest in patient leadership, managing her disease and mountaineering.
Living with Spondyloarthritis (Enteropathic arthritis) and Osteopenia.
Judith is director of the SCQM foundation (Swiss Clinical Quality Management in Rheumatic Diseases) and patient expert in medical research with a focus on patient-centred initiatives.
"RheumaCura because I want cures and better treatment for my children and future generations."
Judith on LinkedIn

Background in psychology (MSc.) and business administration (EMBA)
Experience in non-profit organisations, pharmaceutical industry and therapeutic products authority (Swissmedic)
Lecturer in health communication/basic psychology at universities of applied sciences
Strategic consultant for digital transformation and agile organisations
Interest in health policy, healthcare, prevention and communication
“I put people at the centre. This should also become important in rheumatological research. I am happy to advocate this perspective. I also share this conviction as a lecturer in health communication, where the aim is to put patients at the centre. I am delighted to be able to use my strategic experience to the benefit of RheumaCura.”
Susanne on LinkedIn

Physiotherapist, MSc, BSc, PhD in Health Sciences (Dr sc), Public Health Certificate
Experience in implementing physical activity promotion for chronic diseases
Interest in physical activity as medicine (exercise is medicine)
Research assistant at the Swiss ankylosing spondylitis association (SVMB) and in the Bsc programme (ZHAW)
"With RheumaCura, I would like to offer those affected the opportunity to positively influence a chronic illness with physical activity"
Lea on LinkedIn

Background in Business Management (Dr. oec. HSG), Public Health, Communications.
Experience in the Health Sector, Communications and Non- Profit Management.
Interest in prevention and Information campaigns in the health sector
Project Management Rare Diseases KISPI Zürich
"RheumaCura gives me a chance to proactively make a difference for many people."
Carola on LinkedIn

"Because dealing with rheumatism requires a lot of care, discipline and creativity from patients, I support RheumaCura in their important work."

“As a clinical researcher, I know that involving patients from the initiation of research projects helps us to ask clinical pertinent questions. Patients suffering from rheumatic conditions know what questions need to be addressed most urgently.”

"I support RheumaCura because I am convinced that scientific research can make a great contribution to improving the quality of life of people with rheumatological diseases."

Former RheumaCura board member
"RheumaCura provides me with the opportunity to drive research in the interest of people with different rheumatic conditions."

"I support RheumaCura because research and support in this area improves the quality of life of those affected."

“I support Rheumacura because patient empowerment also plays a central role in SCQM. In clinical everyday life I see how much better the treatment of patients works when decisions are made together. In research, we still have a lot of potential in this regard.”

"I am committed to RheumaCura because we create the opportunity for people who are patients to co-create solutions in rheumatic disease as an equal partner."

Former RheumaCura board member
"I am committed to RheumaCura because it’s time to put patient-centred research into practice now."

"I support RheumaCura because it takes on what many only talk about: patient empowerment."

The software consultancy company Swiss4ward is a partner. They have kindly built and supported the website and advise us on ITC issues.